Feral Animal Tally Results for 2024

NSPNR – Yongergnow Feral Animal Tally and Community Breakfast 2024


North Stirlings Pallinup Natural Resources (NSPNR) and Yongergnow Centre were pleased to host the NSPNR – Yongergnow Feral Animal Tally and Community Breakfast on Saturday 17 February 2024 in Gnowangerup and Ongerup. Congratulations to everyone who undertook pest animal culling for the event. We had 10 teams registered to take part.


The tally for teams who attended the two count locations was 110 foxes, 9 cats and 20 rabbits. The winning team alone brought in 29 foxes.

The community breakfasts were enjoyed by many team members and community members.

We'd like to acknowledge the competition from Fitzgerald Biosphere Group's Fitzy Fox Shoot which greatly added to the anticipation in the lead-up to our event. Well done on their results (Jerramungup and Bremer Bay combined):

Total foxes- 165

Total Cats- 5

Total Rabbits- 311

Both events were supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program. The project, Expanded predator control program in the Fitz-Stirling Corridor, aims to reduce the number of feral cats, foxes and rabbits in the area to reduce pressure on native animals including malleefowl, chuditch and Carnaby’s black cockatoo.

The NSPNR - Yongergnow Feral Animal Tally and Community Breakfast is possible thanks to our event partners including Yongergnow-Ongerup CRC, the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program, South Coast Natural Resource Management- South Coast Enviro Experience, Bush Heritage Australia, Elders, WAMMCO, FRRR, Summit Fertilizers, Farmers Centre 1978 Albany, Gnowangerup Hardware, Ongerup Farm Supplies, Pinnacle Products Ear Tags, Stirling Steelworks, Raine & Horne Great Southern, Stirling Range Retreat, Rays Firearms and Archery, ACTA, Shire of Gnowangerup, and Red Card for Rabbits and Foxes.

Thanks to Yongergnow and The Soul Van for the fantastic food at the breakfasts and to the volunteers who helped with the event.

Thanks to the Red Card for Rabbits and Foxes program, through which Sporting Shooters Association of Australia WA is donating $5 for every cat and fox culled (to a capped amount) to the Regional Men's Health Initiative.

The event highlights the populations of foxes, feral cats and rabbits in our landscape and their impact on native plant and animal species. NSPNR values the ongoing partnership with Yongergnow Australian Malleefowl Centre & Café that allows the event team of staff and volunteers from both organisations to bring the event to the community each year.

Landholders in the region are encouraged to continue to put pressure on fox populations with fox baits. More information can be obtained from the NSPNR office on 08 9828 1086.