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Salinity Forum - Needilup Pavillion

  • Needilup Pavillion Needilup Australia (map)

NSPNR, in collaboration with FBG, Gillamii, and DPIRD, are bringing the specialists to you, to allow you the opportunity to sit down and plan salinity management works on your own property, under their guidance.

Come along on Friday 25 March to the Needilup Pavillion. 8:30am - 4:30pm, followed by a sundowner.

Please register before 21 March 2022. Register at

Please bring along printed maps and photos/videos of the salt affected areas on your farm that you’d like advice on. Coming armed with as much knowledge as possible around the land use (current and historical), geology, soil types, topography, and drainage of the sites in question will also be helpful. The more detail, the better!

Following a morning of presentations from various salinity experts, you’ll break off into small groups to receive tailored advice on your own salinity issues. During the planning session, you’ll be free to seek recommendations from all the available specialists, and will be encouraged to work through the provided proformas and mapping exercises (personalised for your own property), to help you hone your ideas for the sites in question. You’ll have access to Decipher (biomass) maps, mapped salinity data, and plenty of other resources to assist with this.

The morning session of our event is supported by funding through South Coast NRM, and the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. The afternoon portion of our event is supported by funding through the Western Australian Government’s State NRM program. The sundowner is generously sponsored by The Pub Borden.