Membership Categories + Rates

Ordinary: $150 inc GST (1 vote per business) (must be a resident or landholder within the NSPNR catchment area)

Friends of NSPNR: $20 inc GST (associate, no voting rights) (community members, organisations + individuals. Do not need to reside or own land in our catchment)

Payment Options:

  1. Invoice (select on below form & will be sent via email within 5 business days)

  2. Direct Payment - BSB: 633 111, ACC: 300883253 (please incl. surname & last 3 digits of buisiness phone in bank reference, a receipt will be emailed after payment received)

  3. Pay via card - press below button (Ordinary membership ONLY)

**** Membership must be approved by the executive management committee as per North Stirling Pallinup Natural Resources